Programmatic Audio Advertising Platform

Captivate listeners by delivering ads beyond traditional screens in audio format on major podcasts, audiobooks, music streaming, in-game radio and radio.
37K hours
of audio content
monthly unique listeners
Trusted by 2.000+ organizations

Why Programmatic Audio Advertising

Audio content has seen a major boom these last few years, cementing it as one of the leading channels for brands to reach their ideal audience.
Premium, Brand Safe Environments
Advanced Targeting
Comprehensive Insights
Boost Effectiveness
rated as the most effective digital media channel
Capture Attention
of listeners pay full attention during audio ads
Increase ROI
of brands saw direct ROI from branded podcasts
Push Actions
of listeners have taken action as a result of podcast advertising
Yahoo (immersive formats study, 301 marketer and agency contacts, april 2020)
Culumus media

Premium, Brand Safe Environments

Take advantage of premium inventory with brand-safe publishers knowing your ads are playing within audio content that fits your brand.

Advanced Targeting

Reach the right audience through machine learning and multiple advanced targeting capabilities.
Age & gender
Device brand & model
Socio-Economic Class
...and many more
Device price range

Comprehensive Real-Time Insights

Keep track of performance and optimize your campaigns in real time. Full reporting and analytics.
Listen Through Rate (LTR)
Number of Plays
User Interactions (pause, mute, unmute)
Listened Quartiles

Integration Partners

Eskimi teams up to offer programmatic audio advertising to brands across the world.

Audio. The New Video?

Online advertising often bombards users with intrusive video ads. However, audio ads have a simpler path – they don't compete directly with other formats, offering some key advantages.
Adblock resistance
High attention
Low intrusiveness
Loading speed
Less mobile data usage

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