Every advertiser is fighting for their audience’s attention these days. The digital space is so cluttered with various messages that we’ve reached the point where ads being in view does not guarantee they’re actually seen.
People now consciously choose what to pay attention to, and for brands, this raises a new challenge of capturing user attention instantly using innovative advertising methods. Ideally, these methods would also help to leave a long-lasting impression.
This is exactly what Unilever did with its latest campaign for one of its brands, Rin detergent.
Together with Eskimi and Mindshare, Unilever used a high impact ad format to promote new Rin’s detergent powder to reach potential customers and influence their purchase decisions.
“Eskimi was a huge help for successful campaign execution,” said MD. Tanjir Ahmed, Digital Planning Expert at Mindshare. “We successfully reached maximum video views and great ad visibility, fulfilling all KPIs for this particular campaign.”
Continue reading to learn more about the strategy for this Rin campaign and high impact advertising.
About Unilever
Unilever is a multinational consumer goods company specializing in a wide range of products, such as food and beverages, cleaning agents, beauty and personal care products, and more.
In 1929, the company was formed through a merger with the British soapmaker Lever Brothers and the Dutch margarine producer Margarine Unie.

Currently, Unilever, headquartered in London, UK, operates in over 190 countries and has an impressive portfolio of well-known, loved brands. Some of them include Dove, Knorr, Lipton, Ben & Jerry’s, Hellmann’s, Sunsilk, Rexona, and Magnum, which are widely recognized and trusted by consumers worldwide.
As of 2022, Unilever has over 148,000 employees and is considered the No1 FMCG employer of choice for graduates and early career talent in 16 out of its 20 biggest markets.
In cooperation with Mindshare media agency, Unilever used Eskimi to promote one of its oldest brands, Rin, in Bangladesh and raise awareness of its new, updated formula that can help to boost the cleaning process.

“Our goal was to increase the top-of-mind awareness for local consumers by sending them a message about Rin’s effectiveness. And thanks to great teamwork, we successfully delivered it to our target audience,” said MD. Tanjir Ahmed.
Dealing with the lack of innovation and targeting challenges
Regardless of their size, every brand faces some bigger or smaller challenges when trying to put their ads in front of their ideal customers. Unilever is not an exception.
Promoting Rin in Bangladesh, the consumer goods giant’s main objective was to measure and maximize rural audience reach. This isn’t as easy as it may sound.
According to MD. Tanjir Ahmed, it’s challenging to find a platform that can measure and define the rural segment of the audience, automatically optimizing campaigns for regions that have denser populations and are highly penetrative (like Dhaka or Chittagong).
With Eskimi, Mindshare could exclude big cities and target specific areas using geotargeting.
“Another challenge that we face is that in Asian markets, we really lack innovative opportunities. Eskimi was one of the first platforms in Bangladesh to offer unique rich media solutions a few years ago. After that, competitors started to copy all those solutions.
“So when we want to do something innovative, currently, we don’t have that many options and everyone is dealing with the same issue. The format we chose for the Rin campaign is exactly what we needed to stand out from the crowd.”
High impact ad formats for making a lasting impression
Unilever launched the promotional campaign for Rin detergent powder on several popular local websites. To ensure brand safety, Unilever used a third-party tool, Double Verify, that helped to exclude their ads from harmful articles related to war, criminal activities, religious extremists, etc.
“We selected five local portals with the most active users per day,” said MD. Tanjir Ahmed. “Local platforms are not using ad servers, they don’t have precise targeting options. The Eskimi team shared their expertise, which helped us use this particular targeting and this innovative ad format.”

For this campaign, Unilever used high impact floating ad with an overlay expand functionality.
A floating ad means that visitors can see the ad fixed on top of the content while they scroll the website (often in the corner of the page), and the ad can also be expanded after a user interacts with it. In Rin's case, enabling visitors to watch a video promoting Rin detergent powder.
“To ensure local visibility and to serve the ad on local platforms, this solution was offered to us by Eskimi. We used creative innovation – a high-impact ad that reveals a video – where the user can “activate” the pop-up screen and watch the video by clicking on the ad.
“Eskimi helped us successfully execute this campaign. The main brand objectives were video views, visibility, and maximum clicks (engagement to view the video). With this campaign, all KPIs were fulfilled.”
Not only this campaign for Rin was well-received by the Unilever team but also by the audience it wanted to reach.


